Ignited Decisions

Life Coaching

Hi, I am Shauna B.

I help women rewire their brains, smash negative self talk and

build confidence so they can step in to be the strong,

empowered women they are.


6 Weeks To Get Your Power Back For Life Challenge

Coaching with Shauna B

How divorced moms get their power back with balance, stability, and happiness without stress, sacrifice and second guessing themselves.


A single mom of 3

The ability to see what is possible....

Each week brings new insights and actionable steps. I am so grateful for the support and guidance from Shauna B. 

Some of what will be covered in the 6 weeks:

~ Prioritize and plan your time. So there is more wast and time to do more of what you want to do.

~ Set clear boundaries to avoid burnout

~ Rebuild self worth through small wins

~ Be emotionally available for your kids without carrying their burden

~ Find and lean on a support system

~ Make time for yourself without the guilt

~ Shifting your mindset from "surviving to thriving"

No matter how big or small the topic.

Each is explored in a deeply personal way that helps to create a framework that

is needed to move forward.

Hi, I'm Shauna B.

I help women to boost confidence, reclaim their time and smash negative self-talk so they can unwind, recharge, with more clarity to be the strong, empowered women they are.

I believe in a world where women can make a big difference by starting a ripple effect and knowing it starts with them. I'm grateful to help empower women, build them up to release their inner power.

With over 12 years of studying, implementing habits, transformational tools and  principles, my individualized and positive approach will help you get there. I am committed to provide you with accountability, understanding and support. To increase your clarity, confidence, and achieve your next level of success. 

As a Certified Life Coach, I have the tools and understanding to help you. I have workshops, coaching programs and sessions that help you break through what is holding you back, to create the life you really want and bring out that inner power.

Unlike other coaches I use The Next Level You Blueprint that gives you the tools and strategies to help you get to know that brain dragon and tame it, and to rewire your brain to give yourself permission to bring out your inner power. 

I’ve got a no-bs personality that enjoys some good laughs, while holding space for us to learn & develop the key skills you need to be successful. 

Sarah 42

Mom of 2

Getting unstuck...

Before this, I felt completely stuck- like I was just surviving. In six weeks, I went from doubting myself to taking charge of my life. I set boundaries, reclaimed my confidence, and finally felt excited about my future. This program was just what I needed.

Sound like something you want to check out? Awesome!

Every month I take on 2-3 new clients, to work with them on rebuilding one step at a time,

increase confidence and take the steps to a happier life by doing what they really want with less guilt.

Click below to see if it a good fit.

This challenge is for you if you..

~ Are A Single Mom

~Want more for you and your children

~More balance, and time for self with less guilt

~ Want to have less stress and more mental wellness

~ A Divorced Woman

~Want to put the pieces back together

~ Make a new way of life and feel good about it

~ Something to look forward to

~ Feel good about where things are and where they are going

Jenny S

Working mom of 2

Has been so insightful..

Shauna has been so insightful with opening my eyes to what and who was holding me back from reaching my full potential.

Imagine this...

  •  Imagine being able to encourage, celebrate and know the next step to take. A place of support and accountability to get you to that goal faster and happier.

  • Re-igniting your life, building a foundation and creating a life you love living. 

  • You feel more organized and have a plan to accomplish what you have always wanted.

  • You wake up feeling excited for the day and know the next steps to take. 

  • Being able to be your biggest cheerleader with the tools in place to tame that brain dragon when it shows up. 

  • Knowing how to flip the script of that negative self talk when it shows up, so you feel better about you with more confidence. 

  • Having more motivation and accomplishing steps and goals to get to your 10! 

What you get in the 6 weeks:

  •  The 6 Week Get Your Power Back For Life After Divorce Challenge so that you get to step into the next chapter of your life.

  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls To Personalize Your Plan.

  • The Fresh Start Cheat Sheet: 5 Simple steps To Get Unstuck & In Control Of Your Life.

  •  Accountability Check In Group To Keep You On Track And Support

  • A One On One Coaching Call At The End Of The Challenge: To have a plan for the next steps.

All of this at regular price is $997. For the founding members, there is a huge discount. For Feedback and testimonials the price for the challenge is $297!!

That is almost 70% off! These Founding spots are limited. Once they are taken, the deal is gone.

Oh and I almost forgot- Founding members also get a discount on the membership when the challenge is completed for as long as they want to be in the membership.

Ready to get your power back...

 Live the life you have always wanted!

Let’s do this. 

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