MAstering the chaos

12 strategies for adding in "me" time into the hectic day!

These strategies and ways are to help prioritize yourself getting that time in

and increasing your mood/mental health without feeling overwhelm or guilt.

If you want to learn more about the way to bring in more happiness and build a foundation to the day. Bring in more time for you, and feeling like, less of a mess, more of a success and happiness in life. Click below to get more information.

Guess What?

Hey there, Shauna B. here. Being a mom of three and having all of the house work, school, routines and the activities to get done is a long list that is always going to have stuff added to it. I have lived in what I felt like was a messy unorganized life where I was rushing to the next thing.

This is where I fell into always putting myself on the back burner, feeling exhausted and always having thoughts about time to myself from, I would love to go on that vacation to even just taking a nap!

The huge shift for me was when I started to put myself first, made time for myself and added in the self care, the naps, and the yes vacations! I feel so much better, more happiness, better mom, friend, co-worker and my days feel more organized and less rushed.

I believe as moms we can lose ourselves in the shuffle and it is super important for us to take care of us too. To make sure we have time for ourselves so we can be the best moms. To love and take care of our family with our cup full.

And bonus we are teaching them by example on how to do this for themselves. I have put together 12 strategies and ways to get this process started and in the direction of getting that time back for you. You can have both time for you and be a great mom!

 Time is the only thing that you can not get more of, and how you use it is what makes up the rest. For example you take 10 min out of your day to recharge when feeling you need to and BAM you can finish the rest of the day no problem and not feel burnt out, and snippy with the kids.

Here is another one, we are masters at schedules and routines, now is the time to put our routine in the mix. Taking the time to put on the calendar when the time for you or self care will happen-then doing it makes a huge difference in your mood and mental health.

Finally, sometimes we get into a rut of having to be super women all the time and feel like we can not ask for help or that we can’t burden someone and ask them for help. Let me ask you this, would you help your friend is they asked you for 20 min a week or maybe 30 min a week to help them? Of course you answered yes. It is ok to take the cape off sometimes. It makes you a stronger woman. 

If you want to learn more about the way to bring in more happiness and build a foundation to the day. Bring in more time for you, and feeling like, less of a mess, more of a success and happiness in life. Click below to get more information.

So many ways to to start! Make sure to pick one and start sticking a toe in. It's starts with one little change that will make more change.

Shauna B, Ignited Decisions

Thank you for grabbing the “ Mastering the juggle by adding that “me” time into the hectic day”, and taking the time to check it out. I would love to hear your biggest take away or what you can’t wait to try from these strategies.

If you would like to connect with me more, here is the link to message me here or jump into my group on Facebook here. I look forward to chatting with you!

If you want to learn more about the way to bring in more happiness and build a foundation to the day. Bring in more time for you, and feeling like, less of a mess, more of a success and happiness in life. Then head over to : www.igniteddecisions. com

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